Monday, December 08, 2008

Cousin Ant's Score!

Just when I thought I was out......

For any of you have seen Godfather 3 you will know how to finish that title.
After 3 yrs of alot of time and energy, I finally got my break. Not the biggest score but enough to get me and hopefully keep me in the black for the rest of my poker career.
I took down the nightly 65k on Full Tilt this past Saturday for 16k.

But to me the story of how I won it is only secondary to the story of how I got there.
After numerous attempts of depositing and trying to be a good bankroll citizen,
I would always eventually tilt and go bust. About 3 months ago I grinded $200 into $1200 playing $11 sit n go's. I thought this was the ticket, Im going to move up another level and keep doing so as my bankroll grows. My worries are over!!!! Two weeks later i went bust.

I decided to take a break. So i did for a couple of weeks until i got home one night and there was a surprise $13 in my account. Since I signed up on ftp through this blog, my good hearted cousin (who owns this blog) sends me 1/2 of what he makes of my rake.

But what the hell shoud I do with only $13? I got it! I should play a $10+$1 45 man sit and go! (Again, not the best bankroll management but i'll take a shot) Wow! 2nd place is good for $ we my roll back. Let's try grinding out some more $11 sit and go's.
Running good.....roll's hovering around the $200 mark. Get home early on a saturday, family's out, im home alone. Lets grind out some more sit n go's. Hmmm... I would really like to play a MTT tonight, but the one I want to play costs $150+$13...As bad a bankroll manager I am, I just can't do it....But Wait!!.....I can satellite my way in for $24+$2. 1st place.....Niiiiiiiiiice!!!....(thank god for donks)......Im in and the rest his history.

My roll went from $13 to $16,487 in 5 days.

Ahhhh....Just when I thought i was out.....They pull me back in.


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