Tuesday, December 02, 2008

More 60 Minutes Ranting

This Post is a follow up to yesterdays 60 Minute’s one. It seems this is a very popular subject to talk about. I got a spike in traffic yesterday, about double my normal number of hits. More interestingly is that I got a bunch of hits from European countries. Looks like the world is very aware of the laws in this country and look to use for ideas. If you want more information about this I have heard some great Podcasts on Big Poker Sundays with Hoff and Shaniac about it. Just go to ITunes and search the Podcasts for PokerRoad. As for the whole Government trying to put an end to Online Poker this piece on 60 minutes is just trying to put fuel on the fire. See how bad playing on the Internet is? You will get cheated and lose your house! Click a mouse and loss your house, that is what one Senator stated. There is a great Podcast interview with Howard Leader on the PokerRoad Cash Plays with Bart Hanson archives. I think it was done at the end of September, listen to it quite interesting. This whole thing just totally pisses me off. I work hard and pay more than my fair share of taxes, yet our government doesn’t want me spending my own money the way I want to. It’s amazing I can hurt myself by smoking, drinking, or eating garbage but playing a skill game Online is bad. Also I can view/purchase tons of hardcore Porno, being it’s my right as an adult to do so but relaxing and playing Online Poker is bad. Why don’t they worry about the real problems in this country? Enough ranting for one day. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Please click through on my Google banner, above this post


  1. I totally agree, Im usually a big fan of 60 minutes and naively thought their segments were the gospel. But after what i saw the other night, I have to question everything they put out. Their story didn't present all the facts and it seemed it's goal was to put fear and reassurance into the poker player who says..."see, thats why i don't play online". My Solution is just don't play on UB or AP...They deserve to lose a ton of business for being negligent. Lets hope Stars and Tilt are doing everything they possibly can to avoid this from happening to them. BTW...The reason you can smoke, drink, and eat all you want, is that the goverment knows it's getting paid!!!!

    Shit like this makes me wanna break out some old "rage against the machine"

  2. Cousin Ant you hit the nail on the head. Thing is the government could get paid if they regulated and taxed it. Like the Rage reference also. Build up your roll! Tony
