Friday, December 26, 2008

MTT Hell

Yesterday was MTT hell day for me. Every bad thing that could happen to me did. I played in four tournaments and build up a nice stack early in each one. Only to get coolered/bad beat out of each. Examples include running JJ into 22 who flops a set and running pocket Queens into pocket Kings. So I decide to play a RAZZ MTT to mix things up. I again amass a big stack only to have a made 7-5 in five cards run down by a rivered wheel. I then start with the best possible RAZZ hand A-2-3, make a 6-5 low. Of course the Villian makes a wheel and takes most of my chips, it was one of those days. On the Sit-N-Go front everything went great. I won three double or nothing SNGs on RiverStars. Also cashed in 2 out of 3 regular No Limit SNGs. Had a decent day playing Ring Hi/Lo Stud on both Full and RiverStars. So it was a winning day even after the MTT hell. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. - You guys are slipping please don't forget to click through on my Google Banner, above this post, need to keep the lights on.

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