Friday, January 16, 2009

Home Game Report

Neil’s home game for me last night was a complete bust. Didn’t get a single pair the whole night, except for one fluke hand. I get dealt pocket Aces but one of my cousin Ant . M.’s cards flashed up, Jack of clubs. He looks down to see another Jack and gets mad so he flips up both of his cards. Before I could stop everyone they all expose their cards and nullify the hand! Normally, like in all casinos, the Jack would have been the burn card and he would have gotten another card. Instead all hands were dead. He told me I would have busted him that hand! That sucked, only real hand I get all night doesn’t count. I finished in 5th in that Sit-n-Go. In the second one I get busted in the first orbit! This is something that never happens to me. I get dealt A-K under the gun at 25-50. I bring it in for 150 and get 5 Donks to call me! Not the result I want to get with A-K. Flop comes down A-Q-3 all spades; I have the King of spades. Looks like gin to me! So with my top pair and nut flush draw I bet half the pot. My cousin Ant. M insta-shoves for a huge over bet. This to me screams I don’t want a call go away. I may have folded this hand against some players. Problem is he over values Ace-rag all the time. He also shoves with non-nut draws often too. I have about 3500 left of my 5000 starting stack. How could I fold here against him? I can’t so in the span of a second I insta-call! He has the all mighty 4-5 of spades for a flopped flush, 118-1 to flop a flush and I run into it in a home Sit-n-Go, ARG! To add insult to injury I river three useless Aces. I go home first at 25-50, so brutal! Really got no cards all night other than a few A-Ks that only got me in trouble, lost me many chips when I didn’t connect with the flop. Look for a Borgata trip report this weekend. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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