Friday, January 23, 2009

Make or Break Hand

This is the make or break hand for me in the Limit HE Tournament at the Borgata on Sunday. We are down to 30 people with 27 places being paid. There are five short stacks, including me who can’t survive more than 2 orbits of the blinds. The blinds are 3-6K and I have 13K chips behind. A tight but thinking player in the cutoff brings it in for a raise. I am in the Big Blind with 6K of my stack posted. I have 9-10 off and have to decide if I should make a stand or try to squeak into the money. If I fold I have to post the small blind the next hand and will be left with 4K on the button. (Unless I get a monster in the small blind. BTW at this point we are eight handed .) What should I do fold, raise, or call. I would love to hear people’s opinions. Two of the short stacks have less than one big blind left. I hate to be results based but I opted to fold and wait. I waited a few hands and then called all in with A-9 for my last 4K. I got two callers who checked it down and pocket nines knocked me out in 29th. The next short stack got knocked out 2 hands later and the bubble was popped. Can’t help but think I blew my tournament by folding the 9-10 in the big blind. If I would have called and lost would have been second guessing that move also. Poker tournaments can be so brutal! Would like other people’s thoughts on that fold. All ready spoke to ShipThis and he thinks it was an insta-call being over 45% of my stack was in the Big Blind already. Looking back on it I agree with him but in the heat of the moment after nine hours of play I wanted to lock up the cash! TGIF. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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