Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Eve Poker

My wife and I should have taken our own advice last night. Should have played careful lockdown ABC Poker. Instead we both tried to play our normal agressive Sit-N-Go styles. It was just brutal! She went 0-6 cashes before giving up. In one hand she missed her nut flush/open ended straight draw so she pushed the river. Got called by A-K high for 90% of his stack! In one hand I shoved my Aces pre-flop, only to run into A-6 off for 80% of my opponents stack. He flops a six and rivers another to knock me out, F**K you RiverStars. This chit went on all night until I decided to give up and fight another day. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Happy new year. Tony

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