Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winning Online

Play Online this week has just been insane! Something must be in the water or air making everyone play like there is no tomorrow. Maybe it’s the bad global economy/loss of people’s investments and retirement savings that has everyone going crazy. All I know is there is money to be made if you can stomach the roller coaster ride. Yesterday I won 40BBs in a Limit Game in 15 minutes. Later on in the day I lost 50BBs in Limit Hi/Lo Stud in the same time! It was sick, started rolled up and got run down by someone who started with 6-6-2. He filled up on the river and took down the 25BB pot from me. In another hand I had a very powerful scooper on 5th in Hi/Lo. A straight 3-7 against what looked like a high only hand and a worse low. The luckbox hits a six on the river to make an eight high straight and to complete his better low to scoop the pot away from me. Damn I was steaming after that one. Like I said there is money to be made if you can stand the huge variance online right now. Overall I was happy being I finished the day with a nice profit. It was about half of what I lost on Monday, which was a really bad day for me. I need to grind out 600 more points at Stars in the next few days to maintain my VIP status. Shouldn’t be too hard will just multi-table Hi/Lo Stud. Remember to ware your seatbelt while playing this week. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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