Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bad Beat Doubled

I don’t like to tell bad beat stories in this BLOG. This story is worth telling being it was so brutal. My emotions went from totally high to totally low in a second. I was multi-tabling last night on Full and Stars, had five games going in total. I had two Sit-N-Gos going on Stars a Double or Nothing and a Step. In both of them we were close to the money. My stack was push or fold in both Sit-n-Gos. I get dealt Ace-Jack in both Sit-n-Gos and decide the right move is to shove in both of them. I get one call in each Sit-N-Go, so far so good. I get called by pocket sixes and A-10 sooted. If I win this race and or dominated hand I will have enough chips to win/cash in both of these. I flop yatzee in both hands, A-J-x! So now visions of winning both Sit-n-gos are dancing in my head. Keep in mind these flops fell at almost the exact same time. The turn is good at both Sit-N-gos, one of them is a Queen so he now has a gut shot with his A-10. All I have to do is dodge the two outer and the four outer and I am home free. At the exact same time a six falls at the first one and a King falls in the second one. Yup two bad beats at the exact same time to knock me out of both Sit-n-Gos close to the bubble.(I know the sixes verse my A-J wasn’t really a bad beat being I was behind when we got all the money in but I was a huge favorite before the river card!) I go from such a high to such a low in one second! I take bad beats all the time, am basically num to them. This series of events just stung so bad being I got knocked out of both tables at the same time. Had to give myself a 15 minute time out to avoid going on Tilt. My poor wife got stuck listening to me complaining about Online Poker. Mutli-tabling can be so brutal. Thanks for listening to my ranting. Tony

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