Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bubble Boy

I have once again bubbled in a big Online Tournament. I posted yesterday about my Satellite win into the $215 Hi/Lo Stud tournament on Stars. Played my heart out for over three hours only to get knocked out in 9th, when paying 8 places. At least I went down swinging! I was all in like 5 times before they put me away. Was a little mad that the table Donk knocked me out. He had no clue how to play Hi/Lo Stud and yet he was the chip leader for much of the first two hours. In my last hand I had a four card draw to a low and two over cards on fifth street. The donk had a pair of sevens. Missed all my outs and instead of winning $500 for 8th IGH with nothing at all. Tournament Poker can be so frustrating. Beware of the Donks today! Happy Donkday. Tony

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