Friday, February 20, 2009

Quick Hit-N-Run Win

Last night I pulled off a quick hit-n-run on Full Tilt. Needed to book a win in Ring games anyway being I have been running so bad. We were on our way out but I also wanted to earn my 50 points for the day to maintain my Ironman Silver status. I won 21BBs in a half an hour. I actually had a few minutes to spare but decided to shut it down once I got passed the 50 points. Wanted to protect my win but also the table I was at was very high variance. Could have lost back my win within 5 minutes easily. There are some really good and really bad low limit Hi/Lo Stud players on Full Tilt these days. If you have just a basic understanding of Hi/Lo strategy should be able to beat this game. In one hand I have a made low and a pair of fours on Sixth Street heads up. My opponent can only have a high yet he raises me on sixth so I raise and it’s capped. On the river I make a second pair and he bets out. I raise my low and two pairs knowing I am free rolling and probably splitting the pot.(Also the max rake has been reached so it truly is a free roll!) I am shocked when the whole pot is pushed my way. The Donk pushed a pair of tens, like it was the nuts, against an obvious low. What a bad play, he can only get half the pot and possibly get scooped, which is what happened. This is one of the fundamental mistakes I see at this game every day. There is still money to be made online, just have to be patient and deal with the high variance. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. TGIF! Tony

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