Monday, February 02, 2009

Running Bad!

I’m running so bad right now! Starting to really feel burnt out and losing all desire to play Online. A few days last week I know I was playing really poorly. Especially when was home sick last week I know wasn’t playing my A game. This weekend felt I played well, yet still got my ass handed to me. Won’t bore you all with the bad beats but they were just sick this weekend. Not only that but how many times am I going to push into Aces in Sit-N-Gos! Another sick thing was me pushing my middle pairs into two callers with a common card and losing to one of them. Example is me pushing with 6BBs with Jacks. Getting called, on the bubble, by A-10 and A-6 both off suit. An Ace coming on the river to knock me out. That is just so sick being they both had one. Not only that but how many times am I going to make the nut flush, in Omaha Hi/Lo, only to run into a straight flush? Don’t want this post to be all about the bad beats but things just aren’t going right for me Online now. To compound things my wife is turning into the Queen of being the bubble person in Sit-N-Gos. She gets it in with the best hand like 95% of the time yet always loses on the bubble. Either that or she pushes into Aces, like me! Well enough ranting, what am I going to do about this is the question. What I will do is play different games/stakes to try to change things up. This is what has worked for me in the past. Tonight I will switch to low limit No Limit instead of Hi/Lo Stud and Limit He. Also I absolutely have to book a win tonight. My confidence needs it big time. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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