Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doing What Works

I have decided to give up going for the glory Online every week. Am now going to try to do what works and grind up to a real bank roll. Started it on Donkday and continued it last night. I have decided want to make a profit week after week. Last night I played in low limit Double or Nothing Sit-N-Gos on Stars. These have been my bread and butter bankroll builders. I went 4 for 6 which equates to over a 25% ROI. Actually should have went 5 for 6 being a super short stack won three all ins from behind while I was the second short stack. He then folds his small blind with 90 chips behind. I will have barely enough to cover the small blind the next hand. I have to make a stand with the mighty Q-4 sooted, was actually ahead of the buttons raise with J-10 off but IGH on the bubble. So this week I will focus on low limit Double or Nothings and hopefully move to the next level next week. As for Ring Game play I grinded it out at low limit Hi/Lo Stud on Ultimate Bet. This is like a guaranteed win for me there; also clear the ton of bonus I have built up there. Played short-handed low limit HE there also. Between the two I made 10BBs in an hour. A profit is a profit, I always say. Told myself yesterday I would make a profit and then shut it down for the night. Need to build the roll back up at Stars being the SCOOP grinded it down a lot. The wife and I both played a few events and didn’t cash in any of them. Also by grinding I will clear a bonus I have there that will help with the roll rebuild. Please remember to help me build my roll by clicking through on my Google Banner, above this post. You can click through more than once, please. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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