Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Milestone Post

This is my 750th post on my this BLOG. Feels like only yesterday when I started writing here. The question I have for you all is where have all my readers gone? Lately less and less people have been coming here to read my drival. Where is the love? Not much going on lately so maybe that is why you all are not coming to read me here. I can't wait for the WSOP! Just 4 more weeks and thw wife and I will be there! Thanks to all my loyal readers out there. Tony


  1. I read, but I rarely click through 'cause it is a hassle to read the actual blog and post a comment on an iPhone. I do most of my reading from there. I use Google Reader...

  2. Cool Trip glad to see someone does. I read yours too. You have to post more, LOL. Thanks Tony
