Thursday, April 23, 2009

Neil's Home Game.

Played in another of our bi-weekly home games at my cousin's house. Played fine but was card dead the whole night. I bubbled in 4th but got 2 bounties for 1/3 of my buy in back. My cousin Tony owns me in this game! He gets knocked out and still owns me! He plays my other cousin's cards and just crushes me. He has a knack for re-raising me when I can't call. Also waking up with big hands when I shove all in. Last night was the usual. I play 2 hands the whole sng and knock someone out with both of them. From the button I shove A-J four handed, which looked like Aces to me last night and he once again wakes up with pocket Queens. No sweat for me when the flop comes Q-10-10 and I am like 1000-1 shot behind! Tony I am coming for you next time! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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