Sunday, May 17, 2009

Donkday Warning

As usual I am warning you all to play extra careful today being it's Donkday! Today bad play get rewarded even more than normal, Online. Make sure you get it all in behind today, you will be better off. I played the mixed miniFtops event on Friday night on FullTilt. Had almost double the average stack, most of the way through. Things were going well when down to around 1000 players, with almost 400 making the money. I flopped a set of Tens, during the limit leg on a flop of J-10-9 with two spades. I bet the flop and got raised. Just knew I was beat here or that a draw would get there and suck out on me. This is such a good flop/bad flop for pocket Tens! We got one bet in on the turn and river and of course I got coolered once again. He had Q-K for a flopped straight. It's limit so I can't complain about him calling my raise cold on the button with Q-K off, 6-max game. Try to avoid the coolers and Donks today! Happy Donkday. Tony

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