Monday, June 15, 2009

The Hand

This will be the first in a series of posts about our trip to Vegas this year. I advise those who hate bad beat stories to stop reading now. This one is one of the sickest bad beats, at the worst time that I have encountered! Playing in a $225 deep stacked donkament in the Golden Nugget's Grand Series when this hand occured. We started with 275 players and 12 hours had now passed with 30 players left. I am super short stacked with the blinds at 3K-6K with a 200 ante. Have been card dead for 2 hours when I wake up to pocket rockets. As first in I shove for 1.5 the big blind with my meager stack of 9650 chips. It folds to the big stack in the the big blind who goes into the tank for 3 minutes. She has to call here, with any 2 but I have a bad feeling about this hand. She finally calls and turns over 2-5 off. Flop comes J-A-8, so I have flopped top set and feel pretty good that I will double up and survive the money bubble. Turn brings a three and the river a four! So it goes runner-runner to knock me out of one of many mtts I will play in Vegas that week. No one said life or Poker was fair. If my wife hadn't seen it she probably wouldn't have beleived the hand either. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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