Thursday, September 07, 2006

More $10-20 hands from the Borgata.

Like I said in a previous post our trip to the Borgata this weekend was very profitable. We had some really bad players at our table. In this post I will discuss a few hands my wife and I were involved in. First hand I think I made a really weak call of a raise pre-flop that got me in a lot of trouble. The 2 seat who was a fairly good, tricky internet player brought it in for a raise. His range of raising hands was really wide! I had seen him raise with anything from J-7 suited to Aces of course. In this hand it felt like he had a big Ace. I called with A-J offsuit. (A hand I
usually fold to an early postion raiser.) I called being there were some really weak calling stations behind me. Plus
I figured if I hit my jack that I knew the raiser had A-Q or A-K. (Probably a dumb call being I was like a 3-1 dog
against both of these hands heads up?) In my defense I knew the hand wouldn't be heads up. The flop comes down J-4-5
rainbow. The raiser bets out and I raise it. He makes a comment that there is no way you called me pre-flop with A-J.
Hah I showed him I was that bad to call with A-j - LOL. Anyway the 10 seat, calling station, calls the raise cold. He
was doing that all day, such a bad play. The original raiser folds, later tells me he had A-Q. I bet a blank on the
turn and the ten seat calls. River brings a 3, I smell trouble, being the ten seat would call with a 6-7. I check he
bets and I call, of course he made a straight on the river. I know I played the hand badly but his play was much worse.
He called a raise cold pre-flop with 6-7o and then a raise cold on the flop too. Of well this hand just showed how
juicy the table was.Next hand my wife was involved in a huge pot, which she lost to the calling station in the 10 seat. We debated her play
in the hand trying to figure out if she over played it or not. 7 people limped into the pot and she had K-2
suited in the small blind. She called the other $5 to see the flop. I think this call was ok being she was getting
great pot odds of 13-1 on this call. The flop comes down 10-7-2.(2 clubs) She Checks and it's checked all around. The
turn is another 2, she now has 3 twos and a King kicker. She bets out and 2 people call, the ten seat raises to $40.
When the action gets back to my wife she 3 bets to $60. When we later discussed this hand she was trying to get the
club draws to fold being it would be hard to call 3 bets with a club draw. Sure enough everyone folds except the 10
seat who calls the raise. The river is a blank but she checks. The ten seat also checks and shows down 3 twos with an
ace kicker. He takes down the huge pot. I like her play on the river. If he was on a club draw he wasn't going to
call her bet anyway. Maybe she would have induced a bluff on the river if he had missed a draw. It's sucks that she
was dominated the whole hand but that's poker. We debated her turn raise and after much discussion I think it was the
right play. She charged the draws to high a price to continue with the hand. Also she bought a free river by 3 betting
the turn. The ten seat should have bet the river but like I said previously he was a weak calling station. I will
stress again the $10-20 game at the Borgata is juicy on weekends. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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