Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yet another $10-20 game at the Borgata.

Another week another great game at the Borgata. My wife and I went down to AC for another weekend trip. She played in the Women's No Limit event of the Borgata Poker Open. She didn't do well, came in around 250 out of 350 women. Oh well another $300 down the drain. That is the bad news. The good news is we made a good score in the $10-20 Limit game again. It was many of the same suspects as last week :-). Bad overly loose agressive players at every table we played at. In 4 sessons over the weekend I went 4 wins and 0 loses! My wife didn't fair as well but my wins easily covered her losses and her tournament buy in. Also being she played in the tourn. we got a discounted room in the Borgata for Sunday night. Let me tell you that is the best hotel in AC by far! I would like to discuss one huge pot that I played in and lost on the river. An over-agreessive women under the gun brought it in for a raise. I found pocket jacks and made it 3 bets to go. We got one more caller for 3 bets cold. A very bad call for 3 bets cold. The original raiser caps it. Flop comes down K-J-10 rainbow with 1 heart. My wife, who called the 3 bets cold, had q-j suited. We discussed why she called there and she told me she had a hunch. Hmm we need to work on not making those hunch calls. Anyway I had a set of jacks, my wife and open ender and a pair. I later found out the raiser had K-Q of hearts. An action flop if I have every seen one. We went to war on the flop, the betting was caped. My wife got wip-sawed in between me and the raiser. By now I am sure she realized she was in trouble. I was pretty sure I had the best hand but feared all the draws out there. The turn brought a safe 3 of hearts, so I thought. The board now had 2 hearts on it. I lead out my wife calls and the original pre-flop raiser 2 bets. I raise and again she caps. My wife gets trapped for all the bets. At this point the pot is so big that she can't get away from it. I am fearing 3 kings or A-Q for the nut straight. The river brings another heart. I think I am safe if I was already ahead being no one would be playing runner runner here. I checked anyway, my wife checks also. The loose agressive women shows her side of the table her cards with a smile on her face. I am thinking she missed and is showing everyone how unlucky she was. Nope she fires out a bet. I make a crying call. She made a flush on the river and dragged down a huge pot. Oh well I feel I played this hand as well as I could. I think she over played her hand all the way. That is one of those hands I am destined to lose a lot of money on. I was a little unhappy at that hand but knew over the course of the day that she would lose all of the pot back to me. At that point she was up over $600 in that game. Around 5 hours later all her chips were done. I won around $500 in this game. We can't wait to go back down to the Borgata and play again. I hope you enjoyed this hand today. Good Luck at the table. Tony

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