Thursday, October 12, 2006

Crazy Online Play

Online play has been crazy this week. It's almost like the end of Internet poker is here so let's throw away whatever
money is left in our accounts! I have been playing the $2-4 HE and the $1-2 Horse games on Pokerstars this week. I have
been crushing the games! There is no way I should be making 10BB per hour. This can't last but I sure hope it gets
extended as long as possible. In a $2-4 game the other night I had A-4 of hearts, under the gun. Normally an easy fold
but as loose as this table was I decided to call. 6 people saw the beautiful flop of K-J-8 all hearts! Bingo I think I
like this flop. I check and seat five bets, then seat six raises. I call and the 3 of us left see the turn. It's an
offsuit 2. I bet, seat five raises and seat six re-raises. I of course am happy to cap it. The river is an offsuit 10.
Again it's gets capped on the river. What do they think I have? Seat five flopped a set of eights. Seat six rivered a
staight. I took down the massive pot, around $100. This hand just shows how crazy online play has been this week. Good
Luck at the tables. Tony

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