Saturday, October 07, 2006

Results of Deep Stack Tournament.

I finished in 117 out of 964. How frustrating, won $5.38 for 5 hours of work! No limit tournaments require total concentration and patience. I donked off all my chips on the last hand. I had pocket sixes and limped in with 4 other players. Flop came with 3 diamonds and a six. I knew I was beat but called a 3000 bet on the flop. Then did the worst thing I could do on the turn. I checked and then called off all my chips knowing I was against a flush. At the very least I should have pushed first to gain some fold equity. If he was on a flush draw he may have folded. If he had a low flush he may have folded for my 11000 chip bet. In my defense I could have gotten lucky and filled up. I hate calling off all my chips to get myself knocked out! What a weak move. I have been sick for 2 days, sure it had an effect on my bad play. Oh well there is always next time. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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