Monday, October 23, 2006

An Interesting $10-20 hand at Borgata.

Here is one of the most interesting hands my wife was involved in for the day. We have debated the way she played the
hand. She is trying to improve her game and by talking through the reasons for her actions she will be able to go up to
the next level. I need to improve my game also so talking hands through is helping us both. Anyway she gets dealt j-9o
in the big blind. She gets a free look at the flop 3 handed. It comes down 9-9-3. She bets out and gets raised by the
1 seat. The 5 seat calls both bets and she re-raises when it gets back to her. With this flop could 3 nines jack kicker
be good? Remember there was no raise pre-flop. They both call. Turn brings a Queen. She checks 1 seat bets and 5
seats raises. It's $40 to my wife. She paused and thought about the next move for a long time. Later told me she was
considering folding at this point. A hard fold being the pot was so big. Only problem is what could the other 2 people
in the hand have that she could beat? Anyway she called, fearing someone having the 9-Q. The one seat 3 bet and the 5
seat capped it. At this point she knew she was beat but put the other $40 into the pot being it was so big. The river
brought the beautifal J of hearts. She checked fearing she was beat even after this miracle. The one seat checked and
the 5 seat confidently bet $20. She called and the 1 seat called also. The 1 seat had pocket 3s, flopped a full house.
The 5 seat had A-9o, flopped 9s, ace kicker. Theresa dragged down a monster pot. The 5 seat totally overplayed his
hand. Being he had a nine with an Ace kicker, what did the other 2 players have? The one seat played fine but just got
unlucky. Not too many people can fold a full house in that spot. I felt my wife played well but she feels that she
missed a raise on the river. We debated if she should have raised there. Being the final board was 9-9-3-Q-J I think
she should have raised being the only hand that could beat her was 9-Q. Pocket queens beat her but there was no pre-flop
raise so they weren't a possibility. This table was over-agressive/straight-forward and anyone with pocket queens would
raise pre-flop until the pot was capped. Overall I liked her play but she did need to get lucky to win the hand. Good
Luck at the tables. Tony

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