Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pulling the Trigger.

Here is another hand from $10-20 LHE at the Borgata. I need to value bet hands on the river more often. In this hand I
was 80% sure I had the best hand yet in position acting last I just checked the river. Don't know what I was affraid of,
probably the dreaded check-raise on the river. I had K-10o on the button. It was folded to me, which was a rare
occurence at this table. I raised and only the big blind called. I have played with him before, over-agressive. He
always overvalues top pair any kicker. Flop comes K-9-9. He bets and I raise. He of course re-raises which causes me
to put the brakes on. Turn comes with a 7. He bets I call. River brings an offsuit duece. Perfect card for me. He
checks which should have told me I was good. For some reason, maybe the 3 bet on the flop, I get scared and just turn my
cards over. He has K-7o and I drag down the pot. I missed the big bet on the river. Over time I miss many if these.
It adds up and is costing me a lot of my profit. I need to learn to pull the trigger in these situations. Looking
forward to playing this guy again soon. We are lucky everytime we go down to the Borgata to play on weekends the same
fish always seam to turn up at the table. Getting a good feel for how certain people play is a huge advantage in the
long run. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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