Monday, October 30, 2006

A Poorly played hand?

A poorly played hand or was it? Played in a ram-em jam-em $5-10LHE game, with a full kill, at Foxwoods over the weekend.
I played this hand oddly and would up winning a huge pot. First thing is I had the image of a super-tight, super
agressive player. People were avoiding playing hands with me being I was playing well/crazy at the same time. I had A-
7s in mp postion. As the first one in I brought it in for a raise.(A bad play but my image helped me here.) Button
called me as well as the bid blind. Flop came 8-5-3 with 1 diamond. I didn't have much, back door flush draw, back door
diamond draw, and one over card. Bid blind bet out. This was a suspect bet, he didn't raise pre-flop and I would think
he would check-raise me if he hit the flop hard. I called and the button raised. The bid blind just called. I was
about to fold but the pot was big and only going to get bigger. I called and took the turn card. It was the King of
diamonds. The bid blind checked as well as I. The button bet, bid blind called, and so did I with my flush draw. Here
is were the hand got weird. The river brought the jack of diamonds, bingo I had the nuts! The bid blind bets out? What
did he have I was thinking as I decided how to make the most money out of this situation. I decided to raise and take
the chance of losing the button behind me. He looked upset and just called the 2 bets. The bid blind insta-called and I
turned over my flush. The whole table was in an uproar over how (Badly) they thought I played the hand. They let me
know it, especially the button. The other 2 players hands were three 5s and three 3s. They both flopped sets! I felt
the bid blind misplayed this hand really badly. First he leads out on the flop. Then when he gets raised by the button
he just smooth calls. If he re-raises I am done with the hand. He waits until my hand is made on the river to start
betting his set. The button precedes to go on tilt for the next 30 mins. Goes through $300 and leaves the table in
disgust. My play may have looked bad but I thought my play out and had a reason for my actions. I did get lucky but
sometimes you need to to win a big pot. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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