Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mixing it up.

I have had success playing in live $5-10 and $10-20 games lately. Here is a move that has been working really well for
me. It has worked when I have had the image of a very tight/very agressive player. I have been 3 betting with medium
pocket pairs 6s-10s. Here is a hand I played at Foxwoods over the weekend to illistrate what good can come out of this.
The 2 seat, who had a wide range of raising hands, brought it in for a raise in early postion. I was in the 4 seat and 3
bet him. We had butted heads often in this game, with me getting slighty the better of it. (I had postion on him also,
so it helped.) By the way I had pocket sixes. The flop came A-7-2 offsuit. He bet out immediately, I raised. He
thought about it for 2 minutes and folded his 2-Jacks face up. He asked me if it was a good laydown. I told him no and
showed him the 2 sixes. Not to needle him but to just get into his head a little. This play really had the table
confused whenever I was raising for the next few hours. I got paid off with some monster hands being people couldn't
figure out where they were in many hands. Mixing up your play is a very import concept in becoming a winning player.
Thats it for today. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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