Tuesday, December 12, 2006

$3-6 LHE on FullTilt.

Been playing a lot of $3-6 over at FullTilt. To say the least the play there has turned really weak! I think many of
the Party-Donkfish have swam over to Fulltilt. I can't believe how bad the play is over there now. Last night I 3 bet
pre-flop with pocket queens. A donkfish capped it with pocket 8s. Flop came down J-10-2 offsuit. I bet and he raised
me. I called and check called the King on the turn. River brought an eight, I check called. Couldn't put him on pocket
eights! Lost a big pot there. Had a few more badbeats before the night was out. Still managed to pull out a small win,
but the variance was huge. Can't wait to play some more tonight. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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