Sunday, December 10, 2006

Another Great $10-20 game at the Borgata.

As usual I can't say enough about how great it is playing at the Borgata on weekends. My wife and I both had a very good weekend there. I went on a rush and won 30 BB in an hour! We played against the same players from previous weeks. This was great being I had a good idea how most of them played. I made a great read in one hand. I had played against this LAG player many times before. He is capable on betting on every street with anything. He almost always bets his missed draws. I had 9-7d in the big blind. He brought it in for a raise and 3 of us saw the flop. It came J-7-2 with 2 diamonds. A good flop for me. He bet, the middle played folded and I called. The turn brought an off suit 10. After I checked he bet fast, as if he planned to bet no matter what came. I decided to check raise. The river brought a blank and I checked my pair of sevens thinking he would check behind me. He insta-bet again. I was thinking of folding but something about the way he bet screamed of a missed draw. I called and he turned over q-4 of diamonds for queen high. I turned over my pair of sevens and took down a nice pot. He shook his head with a look on his face like "How did you call there?". I felt really good about my play but thankfully a diamond didn't come after all! That's it for now. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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