Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Yet more $10-20 at the Borgata

Yet another hand from my juicy $10-20 game at the Borgata this weekend. This hand just illustrates how surprised you can be when a normal winning hand holds up in this kind of environment. When what supposed to happen actually happened. I will explain further in this post. Nothing amazing happened in this hand but I think it is surprising anyway. A loose uber-aggressive player raises from under the gun. He gets 5 callers of his raise cold. Also the big blind calls for one more bet. So we have 7 players seeing a flop on K-10-3 rainbow. Pre-flop raiser leads out and everyone calls. Hmm everyone must have a piece of the flop. Turn brings another 10 and he leads out again. 4 people call the turn bet. So now we have 5 people seeing a river, the 4 of diamonds comes on the river. He bets out again and 3 people call him. He turns over A-K off and drags down the large pot. I was shocked that top pair top kicker actually held up at this table.(What did everyone else have?) We were seeing quads, full houses, flushes, and straights winning pots all day. At the very least 2 pairs were winning when we had 5 people going to the river. In a normal game A-K flopping top pair is often good enough to take down the pot. When the game degenerates to a card catching contest I wouldn’t be too confident with it. I give props to this player to bet out on the river. It does make sense being if someone had a ten they probably would have raised on the turn to protect their hand from J-Q drawing cheaply. Then again I am giving too much credit to these players to think on that level. This game was really a crazy holiday weekend card catching contest. Even though all the books say these are the games you make the most money in I really don’t enjoy playing in them. The variance in them is huge. Plus a lot of the moves I make just don’t work in this environment. Even the worst players know to make crying calls or to draw to long shots when they are getting over 20-1 on their calls. Well my results were great in this game I still prefer a table I can control. I will post about some other interesting hands from this game in the coming days. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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