Thursday, May 31, 2007

WSOP Training continues.

My WSOP training continued last night. I played in a $55 HORSE tournament on Fulltilt. Felt I played well, finished in 3rd out of 23 entries. Earned $230 for my effort. More importantly it was good practice for the WSOP in a week. Played with Chip Jett at both of my tables. He was holding over me in RAZZ big time. Everytime we got into a heads up hand he would catch perfect. His board would read 2-3-4-6 by 6th! Didn’t feel that he outplayed me at all, just caught better. As for the other legs of HORSE he didn’t give me any trouble. For a change the RAZZ leg didn’t kill me, like it has been doing lately. The Holdem leg was my nemesis. It seams these days everyone knows how to play limit HE. I feel that I have almost no advantage in limit HE. Actually I don’t think anyone has a huge advantage in this leg of HORSE. The stud events are another story. RAZZ and Hi/Lo is played so poorly by some people. Hopefully at the WSOP I will shine in these two legs. If I can just play even in the other three legs think I will do fine. When we were three handed one hand of HE really put a dent in my stack. I called a raise with A-8 suited, the raiser was uber-aggressive. Really when three handed you need to be very agressive, also I had position on him for the rest of the hand. Flop came down A-7-3 and he checked to me. The light bulb should have went off in my head, thread carefully. Instead I took the lead and bet out. He called and a 9 fell on the turn. He checked again and I bet. He insta-check raised me. I should have folded at this point, something didn’t smell right. I called and a 10 fell on the turn. He bet out and I made the crying call. He had flopped a set of sevens. This hand took 75% of my stack. Now I was down like 10-1 to the 2nd place player. I could never recover from this hand and 2 hands later went out in 3rd. Hmm did I misplay this hand? Maybe but 3 handed it’s hard to get away from top pair. I will play another tournament tonight, the training continues. I can’t wait for the WSOP. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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