Sunday, July 08, 2007

Borgata Tournament.

Played in the Borgata $340 No Limit Tournament on saturday. Start with 10,000 in chips with 30 minute levels. Felt I played really well. Got no cards for the first two hours but I had the patience to wait it out.(For a change.) After two hours I had 9800 chips. Felt my reads were dead on. Finally got a playable hand J-10 suited from the button. I raised it up 3x the BB to 600. Both blind called me and the flop came with j-j-4. They both checked and I bet 1000, big blind called me. Turn came with a 7 and I bet 2000 this time. Big blind called me again, hmm what does he have? River came with an offsuit 2, he folded before I could bet. I finally had some chips in my stack. In the next 2 hours I built it up to 20,000. Then I want card dead again. Every steal was met with a re-steal. Got down to 9000 chips when I got dealt Jacks on the button. I could almost feel the doom I was about to receive. Guy next to me was doing a lot of bullying of the table for the last hour. Two limps to me and I raise it up to 5X the Big Blind. Wanted to take it down but just knew he would call me. He does and everyone else folds. I know he is going to put me all in, no matter what, I felt it. Flop comes 2-2-5, sure enough he bets enough to put me all in. I insta-call so fast, sort of a Hellmuth move! He turns over 8-9 of spades. There are no spades on the board, he has nothing. Caught with his hand in the cookie jar! Yes I will double up and have some chips to fight with. Nope, seven on the turn and six on the river! Runner-Runner nothing funner! I hate No Limit Tournaments!!!! Another frustrating waste of five hours. Oh well I will have to get them next time. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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