Monday, July 09, 2007

Borgata $10-20 LHE

Played $10-20 at the Borgata this weekend, also played the $340 tournament. (That disaster was written about in my previous post.) Only reason I played the tournament is that I won $170 in 30 minutes before the tournament started. My cousin and a friend were in the tournament so I decided why not. It turned out to be a waste of my time. Anyway $10-20 went well before the tournament but after it was a disaster. Some days no matter what I do I can’t win. This was one of those days. I had an overly aggressive player on my right that kept bringing it in for a raise. I noticed he always did this with big cards, any two cards Jack and above. He raised under the gun and I looked down at pocket threes, which looked like aces compared to what I was getting all day. So I three bet it, this move I usually only do with eights and higher. I wanted to isolate him and take the flop as a small favorite. Everyone folded to the small blind who cold calls the three bets.(Oh course it only cost him two and a half bets more!) What could he have to cold call here, hmm…. Flop comes 9-9-2. I thought it was a very good flop for me. Mister over-aggressive leads out. I raise to find out if my threes are good. The small blind cold calls both bets, a red flag goes up over my head. The original raiser folds and I am not happy. Turn comes with an off suit seven. I check and the small blind bets. I knew I was beat so I insta-folded. He shows the table how great he played his 9-10 off. What a bad play pre-flop. Calling 3 bets with a hand that will be way behind 90% of the time in this spot. In this one case he wasn’t that far behind. Keep playing like that sir and you will go broke so I thought. He played like this all day and just kept winning. Me on the other hand got crushed all day long. It got so bad that I ran out of money. I borrowed a few bucks from my father and moved down to $3-6. Got crushed here also. Played for two hours and lost 20 big bets. At this point decided I had enough for one day. I really am starting to believe putting a stop loss on yourself for the day is a good idea. In both of these games I felt I was a huge favorite yet couldn’t win no matter what I did. Holdem is like this for me, some days I can do no wrong but other days I can do no right. Oh well I will try again next time. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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