Sunday, April 20, 2008

Finally an MTT Score.

Played the 7:45 1K Razz last night on RiverStars. Did quite well when we got to the final table I picked up the chip lead by stealing a few bring ins and antes. At this point the Antes/Level was so high. As the leader I had enough to get to the river 1 and a half times! Well I got trapped on a monster draw when we were 6 handed, 2-3-4-6 on fourth. I called all the way to the river, only to brick out 3 times. That hand put me as the short stack and I got knocked out shortly after it. I won $55, 5 times my buy in. Not bad but first was $360. Oh well at least I cashed in it. Started off great in SNGs yesterday but then the mo. just out. Once I got all in with Aces and lost to Q-10 off(bluffed off his whole stack and got rewarded for it) knew it was time to quit. Had a winning day at SNGs but nothing to write home about. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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