Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Hate Playing With Donks

Had a horrible night playing yesterday. I played in the Stars 8:00PM 25K. This hand pushed me over the edge. Raised 3x from late position with pocket 7s. Both blinds called me. Flop came 7-6-2 with 2 diamonds. I flop yatzee! The small blind leads for 1/2 the pot. The Big blind raises him the size of the pot. I licking my chops just counting up all the chips I will win! Being it was a draw heavy board I decide to just shove right here and take down this nice pot. If I get called I have top set so I don't mind. My shove was for 2x the pot, which almost coves both other players. The small blind called and the big blind folded. I dare you to try and put him on a hand? Kept thinking maybe 2 big diamonds, makes sense right. I am getting steamed up just thinking about the hand again! Drum roll please....idiot calls off most of his stack with 3-4o, with 1 diamond! Got to be kidding me. Of course RiverStars to the rescue. Runner-Runner Diamond and his flush knocks my ass out of the tournament. How can I beat BS like this. Hasn't happened to me once this week but like 20 times. Pocket Queens lost to 8-7 off, Pocket Aces to Q-J off. I run so bad. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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