Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Micro-limit Sit-N-Gos

Wanted to start my Sit-N-Go playing over last night so I went back to my roots. Played in 2 Micro limit SNGs, just to get my feet wet. Oh my I forgot how bad people play in these. You need to play a whole different way in the micro limits. I think just playing tight will get you in the money every time. Forgot about this and paid the price. Check out this hand at 50-100. It folds around to the button, who limps. In the big blind I have Q-10 suited, standard shove for me with 900 chips. Keep in mind the button has around 1200 and we are 6 handed. He insta-calls me, like he trapped me with the nuts. What monster did he trap me with? Why A-2 off of course.(75% of his stack with A-2, WTF?) This hand dominates no other I could shove with. Of course flop comes A-A-10 and I get knocked out of this donkfest also. Must be going something wrong in these SNGs. I have a positive ROI, yet for the last week nothing I do is right in them. SNG Variance just sucks big time. As for live play it went well for me last night. Didn’t win a ton of money but was positive anyway. If I take cleared bonus and rake back into account I did well last night. Looks like another crazy home game this week on thursday night at Neil’s house. Should be some good posts about it on Friday. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony
P.S. – Thanks to all my readers who have clicked my Google banner, above this post. Please keep it up, need to keep the lights on in this BLOG : - ).

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