Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Playing Scared is Bad

Only played a few Sit-N-Gos last night. Was still shell shocked from the craziness of Sundays play. Think I played too tight/scared last night. Played a Step 2, got knocked out 5th, on the payout bubble. Never got anything going so I finally made a move with A-10, got called by A-Q and couldn’t suck out. Played 2 Step 1s, in one got a repeat Step 1 ticket the other 6th place. These are turning into total donk fests, usually 2 players get knocked out in the first orbit. Then everyone tightens up and waits for a push able hand. Just running so bad in SNGs right now that I don’t feel like playing them at all. On the good news front I did very well in $2-4 limit HE on River Stars. At the same time I ran bad in low limit Stud on Stars also. So my live play was basically a wash. Think tonight I will mix it up by playing in some Hi/Lo Stud SNGs on Stars. BTW I watched the WPT last night from Mandaly Bay, it was awesome! If you missed it catch the replay on Sunday night at 7:00pm eastern. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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