Thursday, April 17, 2008

On Life Tilt

The Sit-N-Go BS started right away last night. I have pocket aces on a K-10-4 rainbow flop. (After I had re-raised the under the gun raiser pre-flop.) He checks to me on the flop and I push all-in, putting him on A-K, hoping to get my money in good. The Blinds were at 50-100, this was a turbo, and we still had 8 players left. He insta-calls me, for my whole stack, has me covered by 50 chips. What does he have you think, hmm….. J-Q off was his monster to raise pre-flop, under the gun. I don’t even have to look I know an Ace is coming sooner or later. Stars doesn’t disappoint, brings the Ace on the turn. Can I please re-suck out for once, nope! Three Aces isn’t enough for me to win a turbo SNG. That’s 8 $16 turbos in a row, without a cash. I decide right there not to play another one. Instead I played my Step 1 ticket, wise choice being a miracle happened I won this one. Really didn’t have to do anything but sit back and let the chip leader destroy the table. When we got 3 handed, it was like 10,000T to 1500T for me and the other short player. The other shorty player got sick of the big stack bulling us so he open pushes with 10-6 off from the small blind. The big stack, called with J-Q off, being it was only 15% of his stack. Queen high holds up unimproved and we both get a Step 2 seat. For once I get rewarded by someone else’s bad play! Anyway I am on life tilt today. Driving home a car hit me and then takes off. Not much damage to my car but is sucks that I have damage, thru no fault of my own, and he gets away with it! Should have got his license plate, right way but it happened so fast. People just suck in general these days. There is no civility at all. Everyone is out for themselves and don’t care whose property/life they damage! I am in a bad mood today. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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