Friday, April 18, 2008

Home Game

I run so bad in Home Games these days. My cousin Neil had a game last night at his new house. The house is awesome and the game setup was top shelf. He had plenty of booze, snacks, and heroes. All the usual suspects were there, my brothers, cousins, and some of their friends. These games are a great way to blow off steam from a tough week. In the first SNG I got hit with the deck and had a ton of chips early. When we were 3 handed I lost a big race which crippled me. I was under the gun with 2X the big blind and looked at my first card, a ten. I open shoved and everyone folded to my nemesis, my cousin Ant M. He was about to fold when everyone egged him to call for pot odds. (Which by the way, with all the chips he had, calling with any 2 was clearly the right play.) So he calls me with 4-7 off, I turn over my hand and its 2 tens! Of course I can’t beat 4-7 off with an overpair. I run so bad in SNGs these days. F***Kin 4-7 cracks my tens! So I get knocked out in 3rd and just get my buy in back. The second SNG went decently. We got down to 4 players with 3 of us having about the same stack size. This went on for like 30 minutes with no one getting knocked out. My brother John was getting a little low, so I should have just waited it out. Then I kept thinking I could play loose and get away with it being we were on the bubble. I get dealt A-6 off on the button and go into the tank to decide how to play it. I was going to bring it in for 3X the big blind but the blinds were high and my M was around 9. So I open shove and my other Nemesis, brother Dave, insta-calls. He wakes up with pocket 8s. No luck for me and I am again crippled. I get knocked out a few hands later on the bubble! I just run so bad and play so bad In these stupid home games. Shout out to my cousin Ant(ShipThis) for taking my brother Dave down and winning the 2nd game. Dave deserved to lose, due to bad karma, when heads up Ant had a big chip lead but proposed a chop. (Only thing extra he wanted was Dave’s $10 bounty.) Dave refused to give him the extra bounty. Pretty bad decision being 2nd was $150 and first was $300. So he gave up $75 equity to not give the chip leader $10 extra!(On principle he said.) Ant played well and deserved to win so it worked out. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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