Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another Night a Few More Sit-N-Gos

I ran ok in Sit-N-Gos last night. I moved back up to my normal level and liked the results. I played in two of them, 1 bubble and 1 2nd place finish. Also wanted to try to finish off my low limit Battle of the Planets Promo with a strong point finish. So I played an 18 man one and we got down to the money bubble with 5 left and me in 2nd chip position. Up until this point I was playing solid poker, not showing any bad hands down. Everyone folds to me on the button and I open shove A-10 of diamonds. This is the right move being there is a short stack so the small Blind really can’t call without a monster.(He is chip leader and barely had me covered.) He goes into the tank and after what felt like 5 minutes he calls me. The big blind snap calls me also.(He was the short stack at the table.) The small blind had K-J off? WTF is going on, why did he risk his tournament on this cheese of a hand. The big blind had pocket 8s. Guess what I lose to both of them and instead of cashing I am the bubble boy. My push was the right move, he shouldn’t have called. I got screwed out of the promo. points I needed to possibly cash. Oh well that sucked I may try at the $10-20 SNG level this week. Just started playing $16 turbo ones and I am 2 cashes for 3 attempts. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony.

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