Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Online Sit-N-Gos are So Brutal

I am so sick of Sit-n-gos! Last night I ran insanely bad. Cashed in 1 out of 9 of them. Five times I finished in forth. Got it in with the best hand all 5 times, lost them all. I think 4 times was a 70-30 favorite, other time a coin flip. Oh the horror of playing these day after day. I saw something really sick in my 2nd one of the night. The big stack, a complete calling station Donk, called 5 all ins in a row with a dominated Ace. ( I guess any Ace will do.) He won all five of them, knocking out 4 players and then me! He raised under the gun, I had A-J and knew I had him crushed. So I shoved for 6x his raise. He snap called me with the monster A-6 off. Flop comes J-6-6, Ace on the river to torture me and finish me off. Is this what it takes to win low limit SNGs, complete moronic play? This bad run ruined my chance to cash in my first block of 20 in the River stars Battle of the Planets. Online Poker is so Rigged, LOL. I will be back playing tonight, so expect more ranting tomorrow. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony
P.S. – Thanks to my readers for clicking through on my Google banner, above this post, please keep it up we need to pay for the lights for this BLOG.

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