Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Night More Online Play

Can never figure out where the best place to play is going to be for the night. Some nights it’s MTTs, other SNGS, and most nights it’s Live ring play for me. Last night was definitely SNGs for me. I played in 3 of them, with 1 bubble and 2 cashes. The bubble sucked big time, once again I push with Kings and lose to Ace rag. I swear I am 1 for the last 14 at showdown when all in with pocket Kings! River Stars just hates me when I have Kings. Sick thing is like 11 of the times I am a 70% favorite, 2 of the times I open pushed into Aces. The other SNGs went great, finished in 3 in a 12 man and finished in 3 in an 18 man. If I could cash in every mutli-table SNG I would own the Battle of the Planets Promotion on River stars. So I made a nice profit in SNGs for the night. Also did very well playing in Low Limit Stud on Ultimate, won 14 BBS in one hour. Now for the bad news, got crushed in short-handed Limit HE on Full Tilt. The games were so soft, just kept getting rivered by gut shots. Felt I played fine but my hands just weren’t holding up. I made a nice comeback , toward the end of my session, only finished down around 22BBs. Looking back I didn’t really get crushed 22BBs in 2 hours really isn’t that much when playing short-handed. Tonight I won’t be playing much online, having a home game at cousin Neil’s tonight. I can’t wait to beat Ace-Rag in a hand, LOL. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some good news to post about. Have been getting crushed in these supposed to be soft home games. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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