Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Good Night Playing Online

Had a great night playing live games yesterday. Did fine at low limit Stud on Ultimate Bet and kicked some ass playing short-handed Limit He on Full Tilt. Funny thing is I moved up a level and the players seem worse! I may just have been on the good side of variance, need to play many more sessions before I decide how bad they really are. Good things happened like I flopped a set and bet aggressively the whole hand. Got paid off on every street by second pair no kicker, I like it. It felt good putting my second winning night in the books. We will see how it goes tonight. I did ok in SNGs, played in three of them and cashed in one, broke even, profit wise. In a 12 man, 6 max one I had the big stack when on the bubble. I was able to abuse the bubble big time. While 4 handed I raised in 50% of the pots and was able to chip up without much resistance. Bad thing is the other players didn’t like it one bit. Once the bubble burst they started playing back at me big time. Every time I raised I got 3 bet. I started to get frustrated, being I lost the chip lead. So my fatal hand was pocket Jacks. Under the gun I brought it in for a raise and the new chip leader 3 bet me. He was really pushing us around at this point. I had enough of it so I pushed all in for a huge over bet, around 5 times the pot, he insta-calls me. Of course now he has pocket Aces. Ace on the flop and IGH in third after having a huge lead when 4 handed. I played this hand really badly. If I just flat called him could have folded on the flop, when the Ace hit. Instead the player in between us squeaks into 2nd place. I should have waited for him to get eliminated. Was just getting so frustrated from the big stack pushing me around. Need to keep emotions out of my play. Oh well you live and learn. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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