Thursday, May 08, 2008

Another Night More Sit-N-Gos

Last night started out with a bang and then I sizzled out. I won my first Sit-N-Go, then I bubbled the next one. No problem, in my third one I tripled up early and had a huge lead the whole way. When we got three handed they had caught up and I had a very small lead. Still felt I was playing great and that I would win it. Instead I started playing like a skirt and got knocked out in third. There was a hand that I really screwed up, brought it in for 3x the Blind with pocket Tens, the next player shoved on me. I had 3800 left, which seemed like enough chips behind to fold and play it safe. It wasn’t being the blinds went up to 400-800 with a 100ante the next hand. I was suddenly very short with almost no fold equity. I should have called his push, instead I get knocked out a few orbits later. Big mistake on my part, possibly because I was multi-tabling and playing like a robot. Need to pay more attention when we get short-handed. After this SNG I went on to loss 4 straight. My mind wasn’t in it at this point. So I switched it up to a Hi/Lo Stud SNG. I took third in this one but decided I wasn’t playing well so I packed it in for the night. I will be at it again tonight. Can’t wait for the WSOP! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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