Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Sit-N-Go Comeback Started

Made a Sit-N-Go comeback last night. The first few ones were just brutal , like the day before. One hand I raised from early position with pocket Kings. The button pushed all in. I call my wife over and ask her what she thinks he has. She thought Aces, I told her no he has queens and I will be felted. I call and sure enough he has Queens and flops one to send me out. That’s how I roll. Then I loss another one with pocket tens all in against pocket nines, who four flushes me. After losing 4 in a matter of 30 minutes I was about to quit. Instead I continued on and went on a rush. Won 2 of them and took a second, which made the night profitable. Today when I start playing I have some momentum on my side. Only played a little low limit Stud on UltimateBet. Basically just spun my wheels in place, losing a few BBs. BTW I can’t wait to go to the WSOP! Our trip is less than 40 days away. We both can’t wait to go. We want to make the final table together. Think of the buzz that would create, having a married couple at the final table. I will feel real bad knocking her out but second is not too bad : - ). Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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