Monday, May 12, 2008

New Week

Yesterday started off so good. It is a new week so a new battle of the Planet Promo. on River Stars. I started out on fire with 3 SNG cashes in a row.(A second, then first, and a third.) After that I won a seat in their monthly 100K free roll, 200 players giving away 20 seats. So now on May 31th I will be playing in a total Donkament for a share of the free money. At this point I had to go out, being it was mother’s day. After I did the right thing by bringing flowers/gifts to all the mothers I know decided to continue my good run. A complete reversal of fortune took place. I bubbled 3 straight SNGs. All with BS bad beats. I got it in 70% favorite and got sucked out on over and over again. A-Q against A-7, seven on the river. Kings against A-5, Ace on the flop. A-9 against A-3, flop A-3-7. This was my usual Sunday BS on River Stars. Put me in a bad mood so I packed it in for the night. At least I ended up with a small profit for the day. Instead I watched the WPT from the Borgata. It was awesome, shame that Matasow got knocked out in sixth. Still it was very entertaining. I DVDed it so I can watch it again this week. The WPT is on GSN now, which means less people will be watching it. This is a shame being they have made improvements to the data they give you on the bottom of the screen. I think the format they have now is their best ever. Also they fixed the structure so it’s no longer a push fest. Looking forward to this week’s episode. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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