Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Night a Few More SNGs

Did pretty well playing online last night. I was happy to book a small win being I have been running bad lately. Played 2 SNGs and got coolered in both of them. Being they were turbos, don’t have a lot of time to wait for a big hand. I pushed pocket 9s into pocket Aces with an M of 3 and 6 players left. Next SNG I pushed A-Q into A-K with an M of less than 3 and again with 6 players left. Was getting frustrated with no limit so I played a HORSE turbo on River Stars. I crushed the game big time, when 4 handed I had more chips than the rest of the table. Heads up I had a 4 to 1 chip lead. Then in Stud my agrreso-monkey opponent started to raise every hand. I had nothing to defend with and he quickly took over the chip lead. In the Hi/Lo leg he continued to crush me. When we got to HE he had a 3 to 1 lead on me. I decided to fight back and just crushed him in HE. I won the SNG before the HE leg ended. Felt good to rip one down. Now in my battle of the planets promo. I have cashed 4 out of 9 SNGs, with 2 first places. It’s not a good enough pace to cash in the 20 block level, but in the 100 block it is a great start. If I run well this week I may have to pound out a ton of them on Saturday, to complete my block of 100. As for live play I was getting crushed at short-handed Limit HE on Full Tilt until I flopped a set of 8s against 3 aggro-monkies. Pre-flop capped, flop capped, turn capped, and river capped heads up. I turned a full house eights full of jacks, he turned top trips top kicker. I won a huge pot and this put me onto the road to recovery. I ended up around 5 BBs for a very bumpy hour’s play. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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