Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Online Grind Continues

Only played one low limit Sit-N-Go last night. Played a regular HORSE one on River Stars. Played ok I guess, finished in 5th. Got coolered in the Limit HE leg, time and time again. Thought I was a decent Limit HE player, got the results from years of grinding it out, to prove it. For some reason when playing it in HORSE I always spew lots of chips, in this leg. It used to be that my Stud leg was my weakest and my Hi/Lo was my best. Now it seems all the Stud legs are great for me and all the flop legs are bad. If somewhere they spread a RSE tournament, I’m in LOL. As for live play I grinded out a ton of hands on Ultimate Bet. Needed to earn 200 Raise status points, to be a Legend next month. I did it so now next month I will reap the benefits; best one will be clearing my Bonus dollars faster. Two months ago I had a little over $1200, in my bonus account. I have now gotten it down to $933. Also by being a Legend I have like no real ceiling on the amount of Ultimate points I can convert into cash. This amounts to a nice little rake back from them. Not trying to sell anyone on Ultimate Bet, personally I think it’s the worst of the major sites, excluding Absolute, which they own. That is clearly the worst of the major sites. Speaking of sites, those f***kers at Cake Poker still haven’t mailed me a check for my $600 cash out from them. Have been trying to get my money from those crooks for 3 months now. Do yourself a favor, don’t play there at all! They offer great bonus/rake back and weak players but you have almost no quick way to withdraw your money. If I really needed that money for bills I would be screwed. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony
P.S. – Again thanks to my readers for clicking on my Google banner, above this post. Please keep it up, good job guys/gals : - ).

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