Friday, May 02, 2008

Tight Home Game?

We had a home game last night at my Cousin Neil’s house. A really weird thing happened, everyone played super tight. The game used to be a loose crazy donkfest. Now it seems that no one wants to give up their bounty. Plus we have made it embarrassing, when you get knocked out. You have to sign your $10 bounty over to the person you knocked out. Also we had eleven people and 15 minute blinds, 5000 starting chips. This game used to take 2 hours start to finish. Last night it took 3 hours, as a result a few of us light weights didn’t play in the second game. My brother and I were both tired, from a long week on work tilt, so we both left after the first game. Looks like next game will have 10 minute blinds, to speed things up. Problem seemed to be we weren’t getting in that many hands either, not even an orbit in 15 minutes. Even though the game was tight, most flops heads up; people were still taking their time to make a decision. What the, players are starting to think before they act, that ain’t right! Need to find a softer game, LOL. I have never had success in these home games anyway, maybe with better play I will play better also, doubt it LOL. On another note my birthday is on Saturday, what better way to celebrate then spend a day at the Borgata in AC! Will probably be playing in the Saturday $340 No Limit at the Borgata. If you see a 41 year old 6’0 male with a Full Tilt Iron Man hat on having a good time with a big stack of chips in front of him, stop by and say hello. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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