Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Short Post

Last night I only had time to play 3 SNGs. One cash and 2 bubbles, the cash was a 2nd place in a No Limit one. The one bubble was just brutal, in Hi/Lo Stud. I ran into a player who was rolled up when I started with pocket Aces. If I just sit on my hands I most likely make it into the money, instead I bubble. The right play is to go with the Aces, if I loss I loss, that’s poker. So one cash for 3 SNGs isn’t too bad, a small lose. I grinded out a bunch of hands of Low Limit Stud on Ultimate Bet. Walked away with a small win, so overall the night was slightly positive. I can’t wait for the WSOP! My wife is going to play the FTOPS Razz event tomorrow night, for WSOP practice. I will sweat her the whole tournament. Good practice for me too. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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