Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to My Winning Ways

Back to my winning ways. Whenever I have a big losing session or two I just want to, “Book a win” to get my confidence back. Losing days have a way of creating more losing. It’s like bad karma and momentum. I am not very superstitious but I believe in positive energy putting you onto a winning track. When I am playing confidently the right moves just flow out, without me having to think about what to do. So yesterday I cashed in my third FTOPS Satellite in a row. I realized that the fields are real weak on Full Tilt in these. Also realized many people don’t know how to play in them properly. They seem to play into my strengths, hanging on to get into the money. I’m not very good at accumulating a lot of chips but I can almost always finish in the top 25% of the field. The $15 satellites pay out 27% of the field with $55 super seats. I just unregister and am now building up tournament dollars at Full Tilt. Also played in two Sit-n-gos and took a second, so a small profit for the night here also. Did loss a little at the ring games but 3BBs isn’t much at all. It was a profitable night so I was happy. Don’t forget tonight there is more WSOP coverage on ESPN. We have been happy with the coverage so far. Seems this year there is less moronic acting out and more actual good poker playing. Think that ESPN has geared the coverage toward the more mature poker watching public. Hopefully this year the ass-tards won’t get much coverage during the main event. As for the WPT last night it was really enjoyable to watch. I love to see pros at the final tables of these. It’s a shame that Ted Forest ran into big hands over and over again in last night’s coverage. Hope the WPT continues to get better now that it’s going to be on Fox. We have always been fans of the WPT. I hope their new show “ClubWPT” does well. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony
P.S. – Thanks to my readers for clicking through on my Google Ad Sense banner, above this post. Please keep up the good work!

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