Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Full Tilt Satellites

I had another good night playing online yesterday. I have discovered gold in playing in Full Tilt’s $15 satellites into their Supers’. Won another one last night, that’s 4 for 4 in these! After qualifying I just unregister and now have a ton of tournament dollars, to do what I please with. Don’t know why I hadn’t thought about this sooner. On Sundays had been qualifying for the Sunday Brawl half the time I tried in their $55 11:30am super for it. Should have just been unregistering instead of donking off the $256 entry, time after time. Don’t think I have even cashed in it, actually I never even have gotten a bounty in it! This is really sick being I have had people all in, with the best hand, over 10 times and they always suck out on me. Of well from now on I will build up my tournament dollars instead. Sit-n-gos went great last night also. I played in three with a first and a second. The one I didn’t cash in was pot limit Omaha. Way I got knocked out was too runner-runner. I raised all in pre-flop with A-A-3-10, with one ace suited with the three. The flop came 2-8-J with two of my suite. Turn and river blank out for me and the villain makes two rag pairs to knock me out, so sick! Good news is I have a shot at River Stars Battle of the Planets Promo, once again. It’s only an outside shot but I will play some 18/27 man Sit-n-gos to build up my points. As for live play last night, it didn’t go very well. I lost 10BBs on Full Tilt. Actually shocked I didn’t lose more, flopped 2 sets in 5 hands and lost to flushes both times. The first one was so sick, had pocket Kings and flop comes Q-K-4 with one diamond. I bet and the donkey calls. Turn brings the 8 of diamonds. He bets into me and I raise. Rag diamond on the end and he bets into me. I don’t even raise being I know he flushed on me. What does he have you think?? Unreal he has the A-2 of diamonds in this spot. Then again it’s limit so the donks will call pre-flop with any ace rag. Just don’t know what he was doing calling the flop. So overall it was a winning night so all is good. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony
P.S. – As usual thanks to my readers for clicking through on my Google Banner, above this post. Please keep up the good work. Shootout to Cousin Ant, stick to the system!

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