Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another Night of Sit-N-Gos

Sit-n-Gos went well last night. Took a bunch of sick beats but still managed to pull a small profit out of it all. Worst beat was me flopping a set of tens and getting all the money in on the flop against top pair and a gut shot. I had him covered by a little, so when he got there I still had 80 chips left! Still I played in six of them and cashed in three, two seconds and one third. Should have won at least one of the heads up ones. In one we got it all in on the flop when I had a flush draw and two overs to his top pair. In the other one we got it all in when I had A-K to his Jacks. Just need to be on the winning side of a coin flip once in awhile to really make a huge profit in Sit-n-Gos. Did ok in Full Ring Limit games also, won 4BBs in a little less than one hour. One place I lost was in playing low limit No Limit on Full Tilt. Took some really sick beats with my pocket Kings running into pocket Queens that rivered a Queen! Also my pocket Aces were no match for pocket fours. Lost almost 2 buy ins in No Limit last night. Overall it was a winning night so I can’t complain. Looking forward to some fun tonight, we are playing at my Cousin Neil’s home game. He has been running this game every other week for a few months now. It’s a lot of fun but I always take sick bad beats over there. Last time we played I had 6 showdowns all night, all in with the best hand every time and lost them all. Oh yea I did chop one I had Aces against my cousins A-J for runner runner straight! Maybe tonight will be my break through. Wish me luck, I will need it. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – As always please continue to click through on my Google Banner, above this post. Every 28 cents I make starts to add up over time, LOL.

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